Good Thoughts Blog

Monday, May 01, 2006

Together for Each Other

I am currently packing to attend the Together 4 Each Other conference. It is being sponsored by my current religious center Visionary Atrium for Gathering in Unity of Ecumenicalism, but we just call it VAGUE for short. We are gathering to celebrate togetherness which I think is really the only reason to get together. Togetherness is good, and I am sure that when I return I will be filled with many good thoughts from being together with people who want to be together. The vision of this conference is to try and see if we can get people together under the common bond of being together. I will update you on how things go, as the conference continues. In the meantime you should get together with someone too.


  • At 9:16 AM, Blogger David said…

    Will Challies be live-blogging this one?

  • At 4:39 AM, Blogger Matt Brown said…

    I will attend if they hand out pieces of bacon.

  • At 12:49 PM, Blogger poof said…

    I just found this took me several minutes to figure out, but I finally caught on. Very good.
    We are quite amused(me, myself and I).

  • At 4:12 PM, Blogger Scott Hill said…

    Matt I am sorry, but eating meat offends some people. While I myself am not offended by it I try my best to not do things that might offend people so I don't believe that will be any bacon.

    We will be serving tofurkey.

  • At 5:36 AM, Blogger Jacob Hantla said…

    I'm actually offended by Tofurky because it is pretending to be a dead animal. The thought of eating a dead thing or a plant substance pretneding to be a dead thing is just too much for me. Therefore, I will definitely not be attending. I'm very happy that such a conference will help all of those attending find their deeper spiritual self because isn't that what it's really all about?

  • At 4:05 AM, Blogger Matt Brown said…

    I was going to say that it offends me that other people are offended by something that I enjoy (i.e., eating bacon). But, then I realized that other people might be offended because I was offended that other people were offended by something that I enjoy (i.e., eating bacon). So, I've decided to just sit in a corner for awhile and try not to offend anyone. And no, I will not eat any bacon (or tofurkey) whatsoever. Hope no one's offended by this.


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